
Showing posts from August, 2023

When the baby pandas were having trouble at their home,

  When the baby pandas were having trouble at their home, Xiang was bathing at the hospital. Hi everybody, I'll return home before long. Original blog : in Japanese.

The tyrannicalness is continued!

  Hey! Xiao and Lei! Fluffies have started to realize Ling's tyrannicalness day by day. Fluffies, where are you? Aha, I've found you! I've caught you! Xiang, come back! The tyrannicalness is continued! Original blog : in Japanese.

Today's lecture theme.

  Today's lecture theme is rules in adult society. It seems hard. An adult person often says the opposite word instead of what they want. In Japanese, Honne to Tatemae. What do you mean? I can't understand Ling! Well, I'll show you some sample situations. That's great. It helps us! When he rejects us with such a tape, it's Dad's welcome sign. Oh, I see. We can enter it. Here is a question. Don't eat snacks, Mom said. Is it okay to eat or not? It's easy, Ling. It means okay! I feel the same! Original blog : in Japanese.

Keep in my tummy.

  This is a continuation of yesterday's post. Well, how do we share it? According to your previous lecture, Ling will eat two clusters, won't you? Yeah, you're right. But... Xiang lobes shine Muscat, So... I'll keep a cluster for Xiang! Oh, you're tender! I'll keep it in my tummy. Ling is a surprisingly kind panda. Original blog : in Japanese.

She is plotting intrigue

It's so hot every day, so we can't play outside. It's boring... It's great! Shine Muscat grape! What is Shine Muscut? Can we eat this? Ling? Ling is plotting intrigue. To be continued. Original blog : in Japanese.  

Viewer discretion is advised

  The doctor told me the result of the medical examination. The doctor said I had no injury, and my condition was Good. I'll take a bath and get the final treatment after now. Although it may shock you, I'll show you my effort in the following photo. "Viewer discretion is advised" Original blog : in Japanese.

They're sensible pandas

This is a continuation of yesterday. Mentor Ling said the fluffies' answer wasn't correct. How will we share these ice pops? Do you know the right way to associate with elders? We should enjoy playing with elders, isn't it? Boo! It is wrong! These are typical Japanese manners. In these manners, you should reverence your elders. I'm one year old, and you're zero. In short, what should you do? Hm, well... Please eat two pops, Ling. Please, Ling! Wow, is it okay? Xiao and Lei, it's good! You're sensible pandas! Well... Shall we eat half a candy each? I want Xiang to return early. Ling is doing what she wants to do. Original blog : in Japanese.

This is why you need a lecture

Ling's lecture is continuing. I will lecture you about manners. Yes, Ling! We are eating Cold Stone ice pop! Could you think of it from a manner aspect? How will you share these pops with us? There are three pops. So we'll eat it one by one.  Bzzz Your answer is completely wrong! This is why you need a lecture. Original blog : in Japanese.

I hope my hunch is wrong...

This is a continuation of yesterday's post. By the way, Ling. I have been interested in your background. I hope my hunch is wrong... What is that in your background? Aha, do you mean it? Xiang? I have put fluffies to avoid much rein with typhoons. They're dressing up as "TeruTeruBose! People say the TeruTeruBose is the doll who brings us fine weather. Stop that! Ling! Oh, no! Run!! We hope everyone keeps safe. Original blog : in Japanese.

Medical chek up

  I spoke with Ling online today. Hi Xiang! Long time no see! How's things? Ling? I had a medical examination yesterday. Yeah, Xiang, I knew it because Mom had received a letter from your doctor. We have checked Xiang physically. First, although Xiang was so nervous, she relaxed soon.   I was checked physically by Dr. Pandal. At first, I was scared of the checking. But I calmed down because the staff watched over me during the checking. I'm worried about the result of the checking a little now.  Original blog : in Japanese.

Let's makeup

  All things aside, it's essential to focus on eye makeup. First, let's start cleansing! Yeah, next! Let's start makeup! I believe it's better to make your face bright because you're a girl. I'll make Xiao's face sharp, won't I? I completed! I think it's fit for you! Original blog : in Japanese.